Title: Project Euler problem 9 and 10, with Haskell
Date: 2015-10-31T00:00:00
Tags: Project Euler, Haskell
Authors: Henry Brooks

Problem 9

I went through a number of different versions of this program before I was happy with the answer.


main :: IO ()
main = do
    putStrLn "ProjectEuler.net"
    putStrLn "Problem9 - Special Pythogorean triplet"
    print problem9
problem9 = head triplet

triplet = [a*b*(1000-a-b) | a <- [1..1000], b <- [a..(1000-a)], a^2 + b^2 == (1000-a-b)^2]

Problem 10

Another really straight forward problem using infinite lists.


main :: IO ()
main = do
    putStrLn "ProjectEuler.net"
    putStrLn "Problem9 - Summation of primes"
    print problem10
problem10 = sum (takeWhile (<2000000) primes)

primes = 2 : primes'
    where isPrime (p:ps) n = p*p > n || n `rem` p /= 0 && isPrime ps n
          primes' = 3 : filter (isPrime primes') [5,7..]